Love Is Blind Brazil 4: Did Renata and Alexandre get married? A social media detail might have revealed the couple’s fate

Renata and Alexandre

A small detail might have given away what happens with Renata and Alexandre at the end of “Love Is Blind Brazil season 4”. Check it out!

The couples of “Love Is Blind: Brazil 4” have already been formed over the course of the first episodes released by Netflix. Among them, Renata Giaffredo and Alexandre Thomaz have been particularly attention-grabbing. The two have already accumulated controversies in the few episodes available and promise to deliver even more drama in the upcoming ones. But in the end, do Renata and Alexandre get married? We’ll only get the official answer in the final episode of the season. However, an intriguing like from Renata on social media might have given away the couple’s fate.

Renata Hints at Whether She Marries Alexandre

The participants of “Love Is Blind: Brazil” cannot reveal whether they get married until the final episode of the season is released by Netflix. So, we can’t be certain of what happens until the scene where each couple walks down the aisle is shown. However, Renata practically revealed that she did not marry Alexandre at the end of “Love Is Blind: Brazil.”

A user commented on Renata’s Instagram about Alexandre. “Diva, please tell me you didn’t marry that ugly Alexandre,” they wrote. What caught attention was that Renata liked the comment. This indicates that they probably did not get married. It remains to be seen who decided to say ‘no’ at the altar.

Read also: With Outrageous Comments, Renata Becomes Love Is Blind Brazil’s Favorite Villain

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