Love is Blind Brazil 4: Ingrid Says Leandro Tried to Maintain Their Relationship in a “Dirty” Way

Ingrid and Leandro

The architect shared details about the final days of their marriage and said she wants to keep her distance from the personal trainer.

Ingrid Santa Rita, a participant in “Love is Blind Brazil 4: A Fresh Start,” stated that she and Leandro Marçal, whom she married on the show, are no longer together. During the reunion, the architect explained that the reason for the breakup was a lack of respect from the personal trainer, who she claimed tried to maintain the marriage in a “dirty” and “filthy” way.

“When I chose you as my husband, I thought that because you had three sisters, you would know what not to do. But you didn’t. You disrespected me many times. I protected you every day inside the reality show, from day one, since the honeymoon. For those in doubt, the sexual problem was Leandro’s. Leandro was impotent,” she said.

“I understood, I embraced you as a man, as a Black man, breaking the stereotype that a Black man always has to be ready for good sex, just like a Black woman. But when we went to my house, you wanted to solve things on your own, Leandro. I told you, ‘Go to therapy. I will wait. I will be patient with you, and when all this is over and resolved, I will still be here waiting for you. We will reconnect. We will go to couple’s therapy and reconnect.’ What did you do, Leandro? Do you remember? You waited for me to fall asleep.”

“First, I slept naked, then I slept in my underwear, then I started sleeping in pajamas, and then I took my pillow and went to sleep on my couch, escaping from you in my bed, in my room, in my house. You never respected me, which is why I ended it with you. The day my daughters found me on the floor having a panic attack, begging you not to touch my body, I asked you not to touch me. I asked more than once, Leandro, for you not to touch me, and you didn’t respect me. You didn’t listen. You wanted to solve your erectile problem on your own. It was your ego. It was your lies. Because you just wanted to maintain that marriage in your dirty and filthy way,” she recounted.

Finally, Ingrid expressed her desire to keep away from her ex-husband: “I am disgusted by you. I want to make that very clear. I am disgusted by your voice. I am disgusted by your mouth. I am disgusted by the way you look at me. I don’t want you near me. I don’t want any kind of closeness. I’m making it very clear for everyone to hear, I don’t want this man near me. You have no right. Tell me, Leandro, what did you do to me?”

In response, Leandro apologized and said their relationship was never healthy. He also acknowledged that the sexual aspect was a problem.

“When I participated in the show, we started having a relationship, and it was never amicable, never truly healthy. We never really managed to connect. Our sexual aspect was something that affected me a lot. At a certain point, I got tested, sought help, and tried to understand what was happening. We realized it wasn’t a physical problem. It was a psychological issue,” he explained.

“I felt we were not 100%, but I was completely in love with her. Totally involved. She is someone who helped me a lot, someone I love, and someone I saw a future with. My ‘yes’ was always sincere, I never hesitated. At certain moments, I noticed Ingrid was unsure, like, ‘Is it yes or no, is it yes or no.’ Was there ever a moment of ‘Do I love Leandro enough to really want to be with him for the rest of my life?’ Did we ever understand that, considering the problems each of us was bringing?” he continued.

“In the sexual aspect, I never claimed to be right. Yes, I was wrong in trying to solve a problem within our relationship that was the main issue. You said, ‘50% of a relationship is sex, we need to fix this.’ I sought help, but things don’t happen that quickly. When I was already in that process, we were already nearing the end. Our relationship was already really bad. The sexual aspect was a problem, yes, because I thought fixing it would solve our relationship issues. And then my ego got involved, thinking if I fixed this, the relationship would improve,” he continued.

“Our relationship really didn’t work out. I apologize, as I have many times. I understand my mistake, but I also understand that a relationship involves both people. Our relationship didn’t end that week. Our relationship had already ended; you just didn’t have the courage to say you didn’t want it anymore,” he concluded.

Read also: Love is Blind Brazil 4: Find Out the Fate of the Couples from the Netflix Reality Show

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