Love is Blind Brazil: 6 Best Moments from Season 3

Love is Blind Brazil: 6 Best Moments from Season 3

Well, as you know Love is Blind Brazil Season 4 is scheduled to premiere on June 19, which is about 3 weeks from now. Before that, let’s relish a throwback of 6 best moments from the previous season.

Fans of Love is Blind have spent the past few days enjoying — and getting frustrated with — the first four episodes of the third season of the show. The Brazilian version has brought a sequence that includes a “trash” guy, a “recycler,” machismo, people in therapy, promises, confusion, and of course, blind love.

To help those who want a summary of what happened in the available episodes, I have compiled the six best moments from the show so far. Some of these might also be the best worst moments. Check them out!

6. A Wet Letter and a Fight

Ágata Moura
Ágata Moura

Ágata Moura made it clear in the room that she has a fiery temper and could get into many arguments during the show. Engaged to Renan Justino, she wrote him a letter while they were still talking in the room, but an incident left her quite upset. He reported that he tried to store the letter in his toiletry bag, but it got wet and torn apart. Her reaction surprised some people.

“You lost the letter? (…) I’m in disbelief. This isn’t just any letter. You didn’t just lose a letter. You lost the first letter I wrote to you on Love is Blind. Do you understand what you’ve done?” responded the advertising professional. Although she forgave Renan, she hinted that she would remind him of the incident from time to time.

5. Karen and Valmir’s Proposal


After being rejected by Maria Carolina Caporusso and behaving rudely towards her, Valmir Reis decided to pursue Karen Bacic. The blonde had a connection with Italo Antonelli, but decided to leave that behind and invest in the participant who described himself as a “mama’s boy.” Unlike the formation of other couples, he didn’t make a move, and it was Karen who proposed to the commercial director.

In an emotional speech, she said it was time to “go all in” and that “love doesn’t need to make sense to those who see it, but to those who feel it.” “What do you think about spending the rest of your life with me?” Karen proposed. Unlike the usual immediate yeses, Valmir took a while to respond and even said things like “Are you kidding me?” before affirming that what he wanted most was to spend his life with the lawyer.

4. “I Didn’t Say This to Everyone, You Know?”

Valmir has been the talk of the season and featured in one of the funniest, yet telling, moments of the first episode. The commercial director used the same speech with several women during the first blind dates in the show, including the same jokes. Although he told several women that he hadn’t said the same things to everyone he spoke to that day, the editing revealed otherwise, as did the conversations among the women in the lounge. “I didn’t say this to everyone, you know? I said it to those I really want to hear it,” said the participant in the show.

3. After Sex, a Howl

After Sex, a Howl?
caption: will you howl too, my love? No.

This list doesn’t only include good moments. One of the best worst moments of the episodes is probably when the men stood up to howl after having sex on their honeymoon, as a signal to the others. This behavior was agreed upon by them before the trip, but not all participated, and some howled even if they hadn’t had sex, like Daniel, who didn’t have sex on the first night but still howled at the window.

In the room, Maria Carolina “forbade” her fiancé, Menandro Rosa, from howling like the others. “Are you going to howl too, love? You’re not going to howl,” asked the participant. But the businessman quickly assured her that he didn’t want to participate: “I’m not into it (…) They might think I didn’t have sex. I’m happy this way too.”

2. Bianca and Jarbas’ Meeting

Jarbas e Bianca
Jarbas e Bianca formed the first couple in the program

After Paulo Simi’s strange reaction to meeting Amanda Souza in the second season of the show, Jarbas Andrade warmed fans’ hearts when he met Bianca Sessa for the first time. The nutritionist has a body that defies conventional standards and is also a person with a disability. But none of that diminished the businessman’s enthusiasm.

When they met, she made sure to place her hands over his and show that she has a malformation on her left hand. “He made me extremely comfortable. I thought I was very different from what he was imagining,” Bianca shared after the interaction.

“She showed me her hand, I think it has a disability, but that doesn’t matter to me; she’s perfect the way she is,” Jarbas assured during his analysis of their first meeting. The couple is one of the favorites online so far.

1. Patrícia’s Clapback at Daniel

Daniel Manzoni proposed to Daniela Silva, but not before getting a clapback from Patrícia Medeiros, with whom he was also talking in the room. After a conversation about sex, initiated and provoked by him with the personal trainer, Daniel said he thought her way of talking about sex was “too forward” and that he wanted to keep such topics private with “the woman of his life.” But Patrícia didn’t let that slide and quickly exposed the production engineer’s conservative persona.

“You said something like, the woman of your life you prefer not to talk about sex publicly. So, I was a little thoughtful, a little upset, because a woman who talks about sex publicly, she’s not marriage material? A woman to marry has to be, perhaps, even silenced? And I don’t think that’s it; I even think it’s a bit of a macho view because I talk about sex, I talk about whatever, because I’m very well resolved. And I can be, yes, marriage material. I have my worth to be the love of someone’s life. That doesn’t make me any less,” the 27-year-old participant countered.

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